Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I've been taking the week off from the site. I do have a few notes for this weekend.
Season three of Heroes will be released on DVD on Tuesday, September 1st. Available on DVD and also on Blu-ray. Plenty of extras to be had on the set including plenty of episode commentary from cast and crew, deleted scenes, alternate stories, and several featurettes.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. Inglourious Bas***** - $38 million. 2. District 9 - $18.2 million. 3. G.I. Joe - $12.2 million. 4. The Time Traveler's Wife - $9.7 million. 5. Julie & Julia - $8.8 million. 6. Shorts - $6.4 million. 7. G-Force - $4.1 million. 8. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $3.4 million. 9. The Ugly Truth - $2.77 million. 10. The Goods - $2.71 million.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, September 1st. Brothers & Sisters (Season Three), C.S.I. (Season Nine), Desperate Housewives (Season Five), The Game (Season One), Heroes (Season Three), Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (Series Two), Rescue Me (Season Five - Volume One), Supernatural (Season Four), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Season Eight), Transformers (More Than Meets The Eye), Two and a Half Men (Season Six).
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Big Brother Week 6, Smallville, Miscellaneous Topics - August 21, 2009
Well, it’s such a shame that nothing of interest happened in the Big Brother house this week. Ok, I can’t even keep a straight face with that comment. What a week!! Last Thursday’s show finished with Chima’s HOH reign being turned upside down due to the Coup D’etat power being given to Jeff by America’s voting. Instead of Russell going out according to Chima’s plan, Jeff threw it all out and Jessie was sent home. Things got even worse for Chima and the gang when Michele won HOH. The eviction of Jessie sent Chima, Natalie, and Lydia into a meltdown. Kevin was aligned with them but thought that the Jessie mourning was a bit much including his funny line of them acting like he had been hit by a truck or something instead of being evicted from a reality TV show. Chima went after Jeff saying that he had broken his word to evict Russell. Jeff, Jordan, Russell, and Michele all pointed out how the other side of the house was melting down and saying how it was because they weren’t running things anymore. Russell went to Michele and apologized for his behavior with her previously. They ended up just coming to a peaceful resolution with neither actually trusting the other. LOL. Everyone was nervous to see who Michele would target. Imagine the look on Jeff, Jordan, and Russell’s faces when she revealed to them that Chima was her target for the week. Natalie did go and talk to Michele and Michele told her flat out that she had a target this week and she had a pawn. The nominations took place and Chima was put up on the block as the target with Natalie being the pawn. As you can imagine, this sent Chima over the edge. This became the big news of the week. Chima got fed up and felt that the show had messed her game up. She stopped taking orders from the producers on what to do. She has actually done this frequently this season but this week took it to a whole different level. Even Kevin, Lydia, and Natalie were trying to get her to chill out cause they were worried about the producers taking action against her. She wouldn’t put her mic on, exchange mics, go to the diary room, etc. She refused to go get her mic at one point and Kevin went to get it to try and make peace of the situation. He gave the mic to her and she hurled it across the yard into the pool. Oh yeah. Big no no from the producers. Damaging equipment is a bad thing. The other three knew there was going to be problems over this. Later on, Chima was called to the diary room and she was vocal back at them. This got a rarity from Big Brother as the main producer, Allison Grodner got on the mic calling her to the diary room. Chima did go and when she walked into the DR, you could hear Allison say “all right. No need to sit down. You’re gonna go out this way” and that was her eviction from the producers. The house started to realize that Chima might not be coming back. Allison called everyone into the living room where she revealed that Chima would not be returning to the game due to her not wanting to “follow the rules of the game.” That shocked the house and then Michele was later given the word that her HOH reign was over. Someone was evicted so it was time for a new HOH to be crowned. It came down to Jeff and Jordan for HOH and Jeff threw it so Jordan could have it. Enter Lydia’s meltdown. She completely lost it at this point and that alliance was crumbling like crazy. Lydia messed with Michele’s food and all getting rid of it. Lydia went to the diary room after all of it and just put her head in her hands showing her frustration. Jordan did put up Lydia and Natalie for eviction. Jordan told Natalie that she was a pawn and that her target was Lydia. Natalie told that news to Kevin but neither told Lydia. That got us to last night’s live show. We were shown footage of Natalie and Lydia finally coming to the realization that Jessie had played them against each other. Yeah, the Jessie love from both of them is officially over. Jeff walked in on a conversation between Russell and Michele. Russell had been saying to her that he and Jeff were even now and that he wanted to take Michele to the final two. Jeff didn’t hear this of course but this turned into the funny moment of the night. Kevin decided to try and stir up a lie to Jeff which ended up being the truth. I just thought it was hilarious that he was trying to stir up something that was a lie but yet the conversation had taken place. He told Jeff about Michele and Russell forming a final two alliance. Jeff did start getting doubts in his head about Russell. We then had the live veto competition which came down to Michele and Jordan. Jordan wins it on a tiebreaker but does not use the veto. The voting takes place with Russell, Michele, and Jeff voting out Lydia while Kevin voted out Natalie. 3-1 vote and Lydia is out of the house. Lydia was interviewed with her saying that Chima leaving really did mess up her game and the rest of the alliance. The HOH competition was taking place as the show ended. If you want to know who won, I’ll get to that in a minute with a spoiler alert warning.
Other thoughts on the Big Brother week. It just isn’t a Big Brother season without having someone having to wear a costume. We got a spin on the untiard this season with the Captain Unitard costume. Lydia made the best of the situation. Wasn’t Natalie trying to cover for Chima’s mic throw hilarious? She said that it fell out of her hand. Even Kevin was trying to get them to stop at that point. LOL. He said come on Natalie, they have 10,000 cameras in this place to know better. I can’t be the only one that can’t wait to see the jury house footage of Jessie and Lydia’s time together there. Yeah, I like Jeff and Jordan. I thought their “engagement” this week was a very fun segment where Russell basically called them on whether they would end up together. I have to say that this has been a very entertaining season of Big Brother so far. Lots of big happenings and personalities. It has been fun.
BIG BROTHER HOH WINNER SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! If you don’t want to know who the HOH competition, keep scrolling down and move on. When the live feeds returned, the HOH competition was over. So, it wasn’t seen on there. Jeff did win HOH for the week so it will be interesting to see who he targets this week. Did Kevin and Natalie get in his head about things? We shall see.
I’ve been saying this for a while now that Big Brother needs a two hour finale so we get more reunion type material. Well, CBS has announced that Big Brother will indeed get a two hour finale this year on Tuesday, September 15.
If you want to take a look at a preview of the season nine premiere of Smallville, here is the link to check it out: It shows some major happenings and has me excited for this season. We definitely get a preview of what Zod is going to be like while also including Clark’s search for Lois. I just laugh when I hear “kneel before Zod” because of everyone begging for that statement to be said at Comic-Con. LOL.
Speaking of Smallville, season eight is released on DVD this Tuesday, August 25. It will be available in both regular DVD and Blu-ray. I do love the box art by the way which features Clark and Lois. Extras include: deleted scenes, cast/creator commentaries, and featurettes including "Doomsday: The Making of a Monster"; and "In The Director's Chair: Behind The Lens and Calling The Shots with Allison Mack. I enjoyed the eighth season and look forward to having it soon.
Expect to see a lot of TV on DVD releases in the coming weeks. There will be a ton of them getting the most current seasons out in stores so you'll be ready for the new fall season. For some of you catching up on shows, expect to be light in the wallet. LOL.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. District 9 - $37.3 million. 2. G.I. Joe - $22.3 million. 3. The Time Traveler's Wife - $18.6 million. 4. Julie & Julia - $12 million. 5. G-Force - $6.9 million. 6. The Goods - $5.6 million. 7. Harry Potter - $5.1 million. 8. The Ugly Truth - $4.4 million. 9. Ponyo - $3.5 million. 10. Funny People - $3 million.
Ok, Whedonverse. Have you not seen the unaired episode of Dollhouse yet? Have you not picked up the box set? Well, you have another option. Amazon is now selling the unaired episode, "Epitaph One" in its store for $1.99. I've still yet to see this episode and I may go for this option as well. Check out this link for it:
I was wondering when the DVD release date was for Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen so I went searching for info. Amazon has the release date listed as October 20, 2009. Really enjoyed this movie and this is coming from a fan of the original series. Looking forward to seeing it again.
I've got to say that the TV show of 10 Things I Hate About You is growing on me. I watched the premiere and liked it. I haven't been able to catch another episode of it until this week which focused on everyone reacting to a widespread fire that had caused evacuations. Not much has changed since the premiere. Bianca is still trying to cling to the cheerleader but did have a nice moment in this episode where she called her out on some things. I liked how that story evolved. Kat and Patrick continue to grow closer. Cameron gets the yes from Bianca to hang out all night and talk until they get the order that all is fine and they're able to go back to their homes. That meant, ok, bye Cameron. Funny moment to close the episode. I like the show overall. It stays mostly true to the movie with some modifications to make it last over a series instead of wrapping in under two hours.
The new Dancing With The Stars cast has been named. Taking part this year will be: Michael Irvin (former NFL player), Natalie Coughlin (Olympic swimmer), Donny Osmond (entertainer), Mya (singer), Macy Gray (singer), Aaron Carter (singer), Melissa Joan Hart (actress), Debi Mazar (actress), Ashley Hamilton (actor and son of George Hamilton), Joanna Krupa (model), Kathy Ireland (model), Kelly Osbourne (reality star), Mark Dacascos (reality star), Chuck Liddell (MMA fighter), Louie Vito (snowboarder), Tom DeLay (former Republican Majority Leader). The new season premieres on September 21 on ABC.
James Marsters has been picked up to star in Caprica for a few episodes. The executive producer is no stranger to Marsters as it is Buffy's Jane Espenson. Caprica is the Battlestar Gallactica prequel that will air on Syfy in January.
One of my friends bought me a Buffy original novel. I’m looking forward to checking it out.
I’ve been seeing the promos for season two of 90210. It does look like there will be some interesting happenings for sure. I did notice that it appeared to show maybe some summer type happenings before school starts for the characters. That made me think back on season two of the original show when they used to start in the summer. Those summer episodes were great!!! I’m curious to see where they go for season two. The promos really did focus a lot on Naomi. Not crazy about that. I was hoping to get more on the Annie storyline but we’ll have to wait and see. Things obviously can’t go well for her.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 25. Californication (Season Two), Dog The Bounty Hunter (Best of Season Five), Here's Lucy (Season One), House (Season Five), Lie To Me (Season One), Life (Season Two), MonsterQuest (Season Three - Part One), NCIS (Season Six), One Tree Hill (Season Six), Samantha Who? (Season Two), Scrubs (Season Eight), Smallville (Season Eight), thirtysomething (Season One), The Untouchables (Season Three - Volume One), Wiseguy (Season One).
Twitter Update Of The Week: Kristen Bell
"listen. i fell asleep in a carwash recliner last weekend! but nobody printed that!"
You Tube Video Of The Week: Oh, that Felicia Day. Her and Jed Whedon paired up to produce this video for Felicia’s series, The Guild. Do You Wanna Date My Avatar went crazy on the internet this week going to #1 on iTunes and Amazon in a matter of hours. The best part is that it is independent content!! To fully understand the video, you’ll probably have to be familiar with her hit internet series, The Guild. Is this song the new “Let’s Go To The Mall” from How I Met Your Mother of songs that will get in your head and you’ll be singing all day? LOL. Fun spoof for sure.
Wishing everyone a great and safe weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
Other thoughts on the Big Brother week. It just isn’t a Big Brother season without having someone having to wear a costume. We got a spin on the untiard this season with the Captain Unitard costume. Lydia made the best of the situation. Wasn’t Natalie trying to cover for Chima’s mic throw hilarious? She said that it fell out of her hand. Even Kevin was trying to get them to stop at that point. LOL. He said come on Natalie, they have 10,000 cameras in this place to know better. I can’t be the only one that can’t wait to see the jury house footage of Jessie and Lydia’s time together there. Yeah, I like Jeff and Jordan. I thought their “engagement” this week was a very fun segment where Russell basically called them on whether they would end up together. I have to say that this has been a very entertaining season of Big Brother so far. Lots of big happenings and personalities. It has been fun.
BIG BROTHER HOH WINNER SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! If you don’t want to know who the HOH competition, keep scrolling down and move on. When the live feeds returned, the HOH competition was over. So, it wasn’t seen on there. Jeff did win HOH for the week so it will be interesting to see who he targets this week. Did Kevin and Natalie get in his head about things? We shall see.
I’ve been saying this for a while now that Big Brother needs a two hour finale so we get more reunion type material. Well, CBS has announced that Big Brother will indeed get a two hour finale this year on Tuesday, September 15.
If you want to take a look at a preview of the season nine premiere of Smallville, here is the link to check it out: It shows some major happenings and has me excited for this season. We definitely get a preview of what Zod is going to be like while also including Clark’s search for Lois. I just laugh when I hear “kneel before Zod” because of everyone begging for that statement to be said at Comic-Con. LOL.
Speaking of Smallville, season eight is released on DVD this Tuesday, August 25. It will be available in both regular DVD and Blu-ray. I do love the box art by the way which features Clark and Lois. Extras include: deleted scenes, cast/creator commentaries, and featurettes including "Doomsday: The Making of a Monster"; and "In The Director's Chair: Behind The Lens and Calling The Shots with Allison Mack. I enjoyed the eighth season and look forward to having it soon.
Expect to see a lot of TV on DVD releases in the coming weeks. There will be a ton of them getting the most current seasons out in stores so you'll be ready for the new fall season. For some of you catching up on shows, expect to be light in the wallet. LOL.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. District 9 - $37.3 million. 2. G.I. Joe - $22.3 million. 3. The Time Traveler's Wife - $18.6 million. 4. Julie & Julia - $12 million. 5. G-Force - $6.9 million. 6. The Goods - $5.6 million. 7. Harry Potter - $5.1 million. 8. The Ugly Truth - $4.4 million. 9. Ponyo - $3.5 million. 10. Funny People - $3 million.
Ok, Whedonverse. Have you not seen the unaired episode of Dollhouse yet? Have you not picked up the box set? Well, you have another option. Amazon is now selling the unaired episode, "Epitaph One" in its store for $1.99. I've still yet to see this episode and I may go for this option as well. Check out this link for it:
I was wondering when the DVD release date was for Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen so I went searching for info. Amazon has the release date listed as October 20, 2009. Really enjoyed this movie and this is coming from a fan of the original series. Looking forward to seeing it again.
I've got to say that the TV show of 10 Things I Hate About You is growing on me. I watched the premiere and liked it. I haven't been able to catch another episode of it until this week which focused on everyone reacting to a widespread fire that had caused evacuations. Not much has changed since the premiere. Bianca is still trying to cling to the cheerleader but did have a nice moment in this episode where she called her out on some things. I liked how that story evolved. Kat and Patrick continue to grow closer. Cameron gets the yes from Bianca to hang out all night and talk until they get the order that all is fine and they're able to go back to their homes. That meant, ok, bye Cameron. Funny moment to close the episode. I like the show overall. It stays mostly true to the movie with some modifications to make it last over a series instead of wrapping in under two hours.
The new Dancing With The Stars cast has been named. Taking part this year will be: Michael Irvin (former NFL player), Natalie Coughlin (Olympic swimmer), Donny Osmond (entertainer), Mya (singer), Macy Gray (singer), Aaron Carter (singer), Melissa Joan Hart (actress), Debi Mazar (actress), Ashley Hamilton (actor and son of George Hamilton), Joanna Krupa (model), Kathy Ireland (model), Kelly Osbourne (reality star), Mark Dacascos (reality star), Chuck Liddell (MMA fighter), Louie Vito (snowboarder), Tom DeLay (former Republican Majority Leader). The new season premieres on September 21 on ABC.
James Marsters has been picked up to star in Caprica for a few episodes. The executive producer is no stranger to Marsters as it is Buffy's Jane Espenson. Caprica is the Battlestar Gallactica prequel that will air on Syfy in January.
One of my friends bought me a Buffy original novel. I’m looking forward to checking it out.
I’ve been seeing the promos for season two of 90210. It does look like there will be some interesting happenings for sure. I did notice that it appeared to show maybe some summer type happenings before school starts for the characters. That made me think back on season two of the original show when they used to start in the summer. Those summer episodes were great!!! I’m curious to see where they go for season two. The promos really did focus a lot on Naomi. Not crazy about that. I was hoping to get more on the Annie storyline but we’ll have to wait and see. Things obviously can’t go well for her.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 25. Californication (Season Two), Dog The Bounty Hunter (Best of Season Five), Here's Lucy (Season One), House (Season Five), Lie To Me (Season One), Life (Season Two), MonsterQuest (Season Three - Part One), NCIS (Season Six), One Tree Hill (Season Six), Samantha Who? (Season Two), Scrubs (Season Eight), Smallville (Season Eight), thirtysomething (Season One), The Untouchables (Season Three - Volume One), Wiseguy (Season One).
Twitter Update Of The Week: Kristen Bell
"listen. i fell asleep in a carwash recliner last weekend! but nobody printed that!"
You Tube Video Of The Week: Oh, that Felicia Day. Her and Jed Whedon paired up to produce this video for Felicia’s series, The Guild. Do You Wanna Date My Avatar went crazy on the internet this week going to #1 on iTunes and Amazon in a matter of hours. The best part is that it is independent content!! To fully understand the video, you’ll probably have to be familiar with her hit internet series, The Guild. Is this song the new “Let’s Go To The Mall” from How I Met Your Mother of songs that will get in your head and you’ll be singing all day? LOL. Fun spoof for sure.
Wishing everyone a great and safe weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Big Brother 11 Update - August 15, 2009
This is considered a spoiler which will be addressed on a future episode. So, here is the courtesy....SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Michele won the HOH on Thursday which was after Chima's HOH reign had been completely messed up due to the Coup D'etat being played by Jeff. Michele nominated Chima and Natalie for eviction and Chima did not handle it well at all. Chima made a scene all day including throwing her mic into the pool. The feeds went off last night and when they returned, Chima was gone. CBS has released the following press release: "Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show's jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show." With a houseguest being evicted, Michele's reign as HOH is already over. A HOH competition was held and we have a new HOH which is Jordan.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Big Brother Week 5, Miscellaneous Topics - August 14, 2009
Big Brother week 5. There were a lot of stories to follow this week on Big Brother. Chima wins HOH. Russell fights for his life in the house. Would Jeff use the Coup D’etat? Would Jessie’s paranoia over the mystery power prove to be worthy? Chima won the HOH last week and there was no doubt that Russell was her target immediately. Russell knew that his alliance with Jessie, Natalie, and Chima was no more so he seeked out other options. The problems between Natalie and Lydia over Jesse continued. Natalie finally told Jessie that if Jessie and Lydia were going to be friends, then herself and Chima should be kept safe as well. Chima did put Russell and Lydia up on the nomination block. Jessie started to get very paranoid over the mystery power with him saying to Natalie and Chima that he thought Jeff had it. Russell worked on several houseguests to try and get back in their good graces. He knew he had to make some moves to stay. He talked to Michele which ended up in a back and forth over their argument previously last week with Chima. Michele got frustrated and went to talk to Chima about it. That got more talk going about Russell. When Michele left the HOH, Russell was waiting for her. He said all sorts of things about her which didn’t help him. The rest of the house just stayed out of it watching it happen. The veto players were picked. Jessie knew that he needed to win this thing to guarantee his safety from the mystery power this week. Russell was given houseguest’s choice for his veto pick and he picked Jeff. Russell knew that it pretty much showed his alliance with Jeff but he had to make a desperate move. Lydia picked Kevin to play in the veto competition in hopes that him winning would mean that he would take her off of the block. The veto competition came down to Russell and Kevin. Russell did his best to rattle Kevin but Kevin was able to get the win. Kevin takes the veto. Russell continues to scramble to try and secure his safety. He went to Jessie trying to get in his head about how the women will take over the game if he was evicted. Jessie went and talked to Jeff especially with the thought that Jeff had the mystery power. That meant working Jordan too. Russell and Chima had yet another confrontation with all sorts of words and accusations being exchanged. Russell stirred Lydia up with the talk of Kevin not using the veto on his friend. Kevin got annoyed with Lydia afterwards saying that he didn’t want people to know that. Kevin did not use the veto which did offend Lydia with her saying that she would have used it on Kevin if it had been the other way around. Kevin’s point of view was that if he used it, he would make more enemies for himself. Jessie and Natalie were convinced at this point that either Jeff or Jordan had the mystery power so they went and tried to make nice with them by hanging out with them. They saw through their strategy. Russell worked on Michele with Jessie noticing that he had to do something to break it up. So, he went in the room pointing out the reminder of all the bad things that Russell had said about Michele earlier in the week. Yep, you had two guys knowing they had to do something to shut the other down knowing that their game was on the line this week. Last night’s episode had Lydia and Russell on the block. Julie Chen asked for the person with the Coup D’etat to stand if they wanted to use the power. Jeff stood and left Jordan’s jaw dropped to the floor. LOL. Jeff pulled both nominees off the block. He replaced them with Natalie and Jessie. The live vote took place and Jessie was evicted on a 3-2 vote. The votes for Natalie to be evicted were from Lydia and Russell. Votes for Jessie to go were from Jordan, Kevin, and Michele. Chima was unhappy to say the least. We all expected last week that her HOH was going to be messed completely up with the new power in the house. The HOH competition took place with it coming down to Michele and Kevin for the win. Michele won HOH and it was announced to us that next week will be Big Brother Fast Forward although it wasn’t mentioned by actual name. A week’s worth of competitions in one night. That means a double eviction night.
Other thoughts on the Big Brother week. It does appear that last night’s results show was not live. The show was pre-taped due to fear of reaction on live TV of the Coup D’etat results. Wow, Jeremy Piven is all over the place promoting that new movie of his. The houseguests competed in a competition with the winners getting to watch his new movie. The team that won included Natalie, Russell, Jessie, and Jordan. Chima was allowed to bet on a team to win since she wasn’t competing due to her HOH win. She bet on the winning team so she got to take part in it. Russell also won $10,000 in the same competition. Jordan and Jeff’s conversation on the spiders was very funny. I haven’t been watching the feeds this year so are they always having these kind of conversations? LOL. Please Big Brother, come up with something for America’s Choice besides voting on what kind of food the “have nots” will get for the week. Boring. I’m just thrilled that the Coup D’etat finally got used. I’m always tired of the buildup for it to be used and then nothing. Wow, that house was SHOCKED last night.
NBC announced that Jerry Seinfeld will be Jay Leno’s first guest on his new NBC show.
Kristen Bell spoke at Comic Con about the talk of a Veronica Mars movie. Nothing new on it as Kristen said what has been talked about already. Warner Brothers has been pitched the idea for the movie but they just don’t think that there is enough enthusiasm to make it. Kristen said for all of us fans of the show to keep writing letters and let Warner Brothers know that there is interest in it. She said that she felt Warner Brothers is worried about not making their money back on it but she said that it wouldn’t be expensive to make. So, there you go. All Veronica Mars fans. We know how to campaign for the show. Keep sending letters and comments to Warner Brothers to let them know that we want to see the movie. I would love to see a movie and would be in line opening day for it if it happened. I’m just not optimistic about it happening especially based on comments from Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell about it but I’d love to be proven wrong. For more info on the movie, here is a good Veronica Mars site for you to check out:
Saving Grace will be wrapping up next summer. The last new episodes of the series will run next summer on TNT.
Well, here comes another movie hit to TV. St. Elmo’s Fire is the latest movie that appears to be headed to TV after ABC worked to get the project. I’ve commented on this before with the fact that sometimes these remake deals work and other times they don’t. It is always interesting to see what kind of viewership that nostalgia brings.
Kelly Ripa is now a Twitter addict. LOL. Ashton Kutcher appeared on Live With Regis and Kelly recently and gave her a whole new appreciation of the fun of Twitter. Since then, she has been hooked on it and tweeting quite a bit. You can follow her and the show at @Regis_and_Kelly on Twitter
I’ve been re-watching season two of Chuck with some of my friends. The episodes are just as fun to watch again. I still laugh at the same stuff that I did the first time around.
Smallville is still over a month away from the season nine premiere but The CW has released a video recapping season eight if you need a good refresher.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. G.I. Joe - $54.7 million. 2. Julie and Julia - $20 million. 3. G-Force - $9.8 million. 4. Harry Potter - $8.9 million. 5. Funny People - $7.9 million. 6. The Ugly Truth - $6.7 million. 7. A Perfect Getaway - $5.9 million. 8. Aliens In The Attic - $4 million. 9. 500 Days Of Summer - $3.7 million. 10. Orphan - $3.6 million.
Comedian, Jeff Dunham will be getting his own show on Comedy Central. Here is the link for the news.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 18. The Beast (Season One), Dexter (Season Three), Dirty Sexy Money (Season Two), Eli Stone (Season Two), Everybody Hates Chris (Season Four), Gossip Girl (Season Two), Greek (Chapter Three), iCarly (Season Two – Volume One), Man vs. Wild (Season Three), Simon and Simon (Season Three), The Simpsons (Season Twelve), Sons Of Anarchy (Season One).
Twitter Update Of The Week: Zachary Levi:
@zacpugh "Back to cruisin my sweet Schwinn around at work. Just like ridin a bike. Literally."
You Tube Video Of The Week: Batman returns to Comic-Con for the Smallville panel.
Wishing you all a great weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
Other thoughts on the Big Brother week. It does appear that last night’s results show was not live. The show was pre-taped due to fear of reaction on live TV of the Coup D’etat results. Wow, Jeremy Piven is all over the place promoting that new movie of his. The houseguests competed in a competition with the winners getting to watch his new movie. The team that won included Natalie, Russell, Jessie, and Jordan. Chima was allowed to bet on a team to win since she wasn’t competing due to her HOH win. She bet on the winning team so she got to take part in it. Russell also won $10,000 in the same competition. Jordan and Jeff’s conversation on the spiders was very funny. I haven’t been watching the feeds this year so are they always having these kind of conversations? LOL. Please Big Brother, come up with something for America’s Choice besides voting on what kind of food the “have nots” will get for the week. Boring. I’m just thrilled that the Coup D’etat finally got used. I’m always tired of the buildup for it to be used and then nothing. Wow, that house was SHOCKED last night.
NBC announced that Jerry Seinfeld will be Jay Leno’s first guest on his new NBC show.
Kristen Bell spoke at Comic Con about the talk of a Veronica Mars movie. Nothing new on it as Kristen said what has been talked about already. Warner Brothers has been pitched the idea for the movie but they just don’t think that there is enough enthusiasm to make it. Kristen said for all of us fans of the show to keep writing letters and let Warner Brothers know that there is interest in it. She said that she felt Warner Brothers is worried about not making their money back on it but she said that it wouldn’t be expensive to make. So, there you go. All Veronica Mars fans. We know how to campaign for the show. Keep sending letters and comments to Warner Brothers to let them know that we want to see the movie. I would love to see a movie and would be in line opening day for it if it happened. I’m just not optimistic about it happening especially based on comments from Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell about it but I’d love to be proven wrong. For more info on the movie, here is a good Veronica Mars site for you to check out:
Saving Grace will be wrapping up next summer. The last new episodes of the series will run next summer on TNT.
Well, here comes another movie hit to TV. St. Elmo’s Fire is the latest movie that appears to be headed to TV after ABC worked to get the project. I’ve commented on this before with the fact that sometimes these remake deals work and other times they don’t. It is always interesting to see what kind of viewership that nostalgia brings.
Kelly Ripa is now a Twitter addict. LOL. Ashton Kutcher appeared on Live With Regis and Kelly recently and gave her a whole new appreciation of the fun of Twitter. Since then, she has been hooked on it and tweeting quite a bit. You can follow her and the show at @Regis_and_Kelly on Twitter
I’ve been re-watching season two of Chuck with some of my friends. The episodes are just as fun to watch again. I still laugh at the same stuff that I did the first time around.
Smallville is still over a month away from the season nine premiere but The CW has released a video recapping season eight if you need a good refresher.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. G.I. Joe - $54.7 million. 2. Julie and Julia - $20 million. 3. G-Force - $9.8 million. 4. Harry Potter - $8.9 million. 5. Funny People - $7.9 million. 6. The Ugly Truth - $6.7 million. 7. A Perfect Getaway - $5.9 million. 8. Aliens In The Attic - $4 million. 9. 500 Days Of Summer - $3.7 million. 10. Orphan - $3.6 million.
Comedian, Jeff Dunham will be getting his own show on Comedy Central. Here is the link for the news.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 18. The Beast (Season One), Dexter (Season Three), Dirty Sexy Money (Season Two), Eli Stone (Season Two), Everybody Hates Chris (Season Four), Gossip Girl (Season Two), Greek (Chapter Three), iCarly (Season Two – Volume One), Man vs. Wild (Season Three), Simon and Simon (Season Three), The Simpsons (Season Twelve), Sons Of Anarchy (Season One).
Twitter Update Of The Week: Zachary Levi:
@zacpugh "Back to cruisin my sweet Schwinn around at work. Just like ridin a bike. Literally."
You Tube Video Of The Week: Batman returns to Comic-Con for the Smallville panel.
Wishing you all a great weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Big Brother - Week Four Thoughts, Heroes, Dollhouse, & More - August 6, 2009
Week four of Big Brother. More fireworks this week in the house. The show ended last week with the endurance HOH competition going on. It should be noted that the first five people out got to pick a gift. Kevin was out first at 21 minutes followed by Lydia at 25 minutes. Kevin won $5000 while Lydia won a big screen TV. Out next was Ronnie at 46 minutes followed by Natalie at 49 minutes after she was getting very sick. Both picked gifts but nothing was in either of them. There wasn’t anyone else out for a while until Jordan fell at 1 hour and 37 minutes. She got the last gift which was being a “have” for the week and getting to pick three “have nots” for the week. Chima got rocked for a little while during the competition including her flying OVER the diploma at one time. She ended up going out at 2:22. That left a final three of Russell, Jeff, and Michele. Jessie told Russell to work a deal with Jeff. Jeff said that if Michele dropped out that they would then talk deals. Michele was out at 2:41. Russell and Jeff talked about how they both wanted Ronnie out. Russell had caught Ronnie in some lies a couple of days before as he was listening to a conversation outside of the door. Deal making got going and they had everyone leave the backyard so they could talk. Russell promised safety to Jeff and Jordan while having Ronnie as the target for the week. Jeff dropped out at 3:38 leaving Russell as the HOH. Later, Jeff and Russell would pair up and form an alliance knowing that no one would expect them to be working together. Jordan made her choices for “have nots” for the week by picking names out of a hat. It was Jessie, Kevin, and Natalie. Russell’s nominations were for Ronnie and Lydia. Russell did call out Ronnie about the conversation that he overheard. Natalie, Jessie, and Chima were not happy about Ronnie going up and tried to save him. The veto competition was won by Michele. Russell wanted to talk to Michele since she now had the power wanting to get her input. That didn’t go over well with the group wanting to save Ronnie. My thinking was of course you are going to want to talk to the veto holder so I didn’t see what the big backlash was over Russell and Michele talking. Chima and Russell had words when she called him out over it after remarks in the kitchen. The veto was not used by Michele leaving the nominations the same. I laughed at Ronnie saying that Michele not using the veto showed that she had no loyalty to anyone but himself. Hello??!! You’ve thrown her under the bus since week one. He has blamed swing votes on her. That continued later on but I’ll get to that momentarily. The paranoia in the house then got rolling. Russell got paranoid about a conversation between Jordan and Michele where they were talking about literature. He thought it was something else game related but they were talking literature. Michele told Russell about Chima wanting him out which got Russell all confused. Of course, everyone in the alliance denied it protecting Chima. Russell didn’t know who was lying to him so he ended up with both Michele and Chima in the room. Michele then denied even saying this to Russell protecting herself. She said in her DR session that of course she was going to deny it after he just showed their conversation to everyone. This erupted into a big screaming match between Russell and Chima that went on for a while. It would have kept going if Natalie and Kevin hadn’t done their best to keep a door in between them. Tonight was eviction night and Ronnie was evicted on a 4-3 vote with the votes for him to go being Kevin, Michele, Jeff, and Jordan. Votes against Lydia were Natalie, Chima, and Jessie. Ronnie did call out Michele during his speech saying everyone had good in them except for her calling her the worst human being that he had ever met. Michele did try to say that she didn’t have any ill will toward him as he left but he told her to be quiet. His interview afterwards with Julie had him saying that he was upset over trusting her last week and then she flipped on him. Julie fired back at him asking what was different with what he had been doing. Again, Ronnie. You threw Michele under the bus from week one. This was while he was aligned with her in a clique. I did like that Michele got the last word though on him with the farewell messages. Again, it’s a game. Things are going to come back to you in it. The HOH competition was won by Chima as she battled Natalie and Kevin in the final three. Chima’s HOH is bound to get messed up due to the results of the Coup D’etat vote. Jeff was given the power after getting the majority of the 12 million votes from America. He can overthrow the HOH on eviction night and replace both nominees if he chooses.
Other thoughts on the Big Brother week. I really see Chima’s HOH week going bad next Thursday. I think Jeff will use his power and keep in mind that he can’t reveal that he has the power. The house knows that someone has it but don’t know who except for Jeff. Ok, the segment was really funny with Jeff trying to kiss Jordan while Ronnie is in the room venting on his problems this week. I laughed at that.
I watched the Heroes panel from Comic-Con. I’m not doing a full recap of it like I did the others but just thought I’d discuss some of it. This new chapter of Heroes is going to be about them being able to go back to their regular lives. The question is how do they adjust to having a normal life. Are they accepted? What do they want out of their life? They did talk of a little bit of spoilers which I won’t go into here cause I don’t want to ruin anything. Not really sure what to make of it. Some of it sounded like it could be good. They were only about three episodes into shooting this season at the time of Comic-Con so there wasn’t a lot to discuss as far as future plans. Well, as far as what to reveal. The line of the panel was a question being asked of the group on what power that they would like to have if they could have it. Hayden spoke up saying that it wasn’t fair that some of them could have all powers and that the rest only gets one. This got Jack Coleman to speak, who plays Noah, and said that he didn’t want to hear that cause there were some of them who had NO powers. He said that the only power that he had was impaired vision. It was really funny and Hayden got a big laugh out of it too.
Sad news today with John Hughes passing away at age 59. He was of course the director behind The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and more. It really is amazing to look over his list of movies and see just how many of his movies are on my all time favorites list.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. Funny People - $22.6 million. 2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $17.9 million. 3. G-Force - $17.5 million. 4. The Ugly Truth - $13.1 million. 5. Aliens In The Attic - $8 million. 6. Orphan - $7.5 million. 7. Ice Age - $5.5 million. 8. The Hangover - $5.1 million. 9. The Proposal - $4.9 million. 10. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen - $4.6 million.
The entire crew from last season almost returned to American Idol for next season. However, Paula Abdul is not returning to American Idol. She announced on Twitter earlier this week that she was leaving. Ryan, Simon, Randy, and Kara will all be back. Paula has been with the show since the beginning so this will be a major change for the show.
The TCA Press Tour was this week. There was some news involving some of my favorites. There was talk at Comic Con about Chuck possibly returning sooner than expected. NBC shot that down fairly quickly saying that it would not return until March but did open up the possibilities of it running longer than expected and running it into summer. That is all just talk though so far. They did talk about seeing the first few scripts of the new season and said that they were very good. It was announced that Katy Perry and Victoria Beckham will serve as guest judges this season on American Idol.
Interesting discussion from Joss Whedon last week as he talked to reporters. What do you do when the audience is split on whether they have seen an episode or not? “Epitaph One” saw the show go into the future but it never aired on TV. It was shown at Comic-Con but is also on the season one DVD box set of Dollhouse. The first episode of season two will touch on things that happened in the unaired episode but will catch others up that may have missed it. Based on what was said about season two, I’m really excited for it as the show seems to have even more energy this season. Eliza Dushku was talking about how she had cried hard during a scene cause it was so powerful.
Ann Gillspie is set to return to 90210 for season two. That will bring the Taylors back together for at least a few episodes. Gillespie, of course, plays Jackie Taylor. I definitely think there is a lot more that you can do with the story of Kelly, Jackie, and Silver. They touched on it a little last season but there is much more that can be done.
Now, this is an interesting concept. Are you ever at the theatre and need to take a bathroom break or how about wanting to go get more food? You’re afraid to leave because you might miss something big happening in the movie. There is now a website that will help you with that planning on when is a good time to get up and leave. The site was created by Dan Florio who lives in Florida and he got the idea for the site after sitting through the over three hour long King Kong movie back a few years ago. He takes notes through the movies and plans the best time on when to get up and leave so you’ll miss as little happenings as possible. There is also an iPhone app for it as well which is available for $1. Very clever idea and I can definitely see this site getting a lot of visitors. If you want to check it out, head over to this link:
Carrie Underwood will be in Fort Campbell, KY next Friday night, August 14 performing at the Salute To The Troops concert at 6pm. Free concert there on base if you want to check it out. She will perform on that night along with Jake Owen and John Rich. Rodney Atkins will perform on Saturday night. Here is more info on the concert if you want it:
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 11. 90210 (New Series – Season One), Adam-12 (Season Three), The City (Season One), Designing Women (Season Two), Life With Derek (Season Two),
Twitter Update Of The Week: Eliza Dushku
@ElizaPatricia "Breakfast Club. 16 Candles. John Hughes made a few of my all time favorite films. Mourning him this afternoon. He 'got' adolescence, bless."
You Tube Video Of The Week: Zachary Levi, Adam Baldwin, and Joshua Gomez play Lego Rock Band at a booth at Comic-Con last week.
Wishing all of you a great weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
Other thoughts on the Big Brother week. I really see Chima’s HOH week going bad next Thursday. I think Jeff will use his power and keep in mind that he can’t reveal that he has the power. The house knows that someone has it but don’t know who except for Jeff. Ok, the segment was really funny with Jeff trying to kiss Jordan while Ronnie is in the room venting on his problems this week. I laughed at that.
I watched the Heroes panel from Comic-Con. I’m not doing a full recap of it like I did the others but just thought I’d discuss some of it. This new chapter of Heroes is going to be about them being able to go back to their regular lives. The question is how do they adjust to having a normal life. Are they accepted? What do they want out of their life? They did talk of a little bit of spoilers which I won’t go into here cause I don’t want to ruin anything. Not really sure what to make of it. Some of it sounded like it could be good. They were only about three episodes into shooting this season at the time of Comic-Con so there wasn’t a lot to discuss as far as future plans. Well, as far as what to reveal. The line of the panel was a question being asked of the group on what power that they would like to have if they could have it. Hayden spoke up saying that it wasn’t fair that some of them could have all powers and that the rest only gets one. This got Jack Coleman to speak, who plays Noah, and said that he didn’t want to hear that cause there were some of them who had NO powers. He said that the only power that he had was impaired vision. It was really funny and Hayden got a big laugh out of it too.
Sad news today with John Hughes passing away at age 59. He was of course the director behind The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and more. It really is amazing to look over his list of movies and see just how many of his movies are on my all time favorites list.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. Funny People - $22.6 million. 2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $17.9 million. 3. G-Force - $17.5 million. 4. The Ugly Truth - $13.1 million. 5. Aliens In The Attic - $8 million. 6. Orphan - $7.5 million. 7. Ice Age - $5.5 million. 8. The Hangover - $5.1 million. 9. The Proposal - $4.9 million. 10. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen - $4.6 million.
The entire crew from last season almost returned to American Idol for next season. However, Paula Abdul is not returning to American Idol. She announced on Twitter earlier this week that she was leaving. Ryan, Simon, Randy, and Kara will all be back. Paula has been with the show since the beginning so this will be a major change for the show.
The TCA Press Tour was this week. There was some news involving some of my favorites. There was talk at Comic Con about Chuck possibly returning sooner than expected. NBC shot that down fairly quickly saying that it would not return until March but did open up the possibilities of it running longer than expected and running it into summer. That is all just talk though so far. They did talk about seeing the first few scripts of the new season and said that they were very good. It was announced that Katy Perry and Victoria Beckham will serve as guest judges this season on American Idol.
Interesting discussion from Joss Whedon last week as he talked to reporters. What do you do when the audience is split on whether they have seen an episode or not? “Epitaph One” saw the show go into the future but it never aired on TV. It was shown at Comic-Con but is also on the season one DVD box set of Dollhouse. The first episode of season two will touch on things that happened in the unaired episode but will catch others up that may have missed it. Based on what was said about season two, I’m really excited for it as the show seems to have even more energy this season. Eliza Dushku was talking about how she had cried hard during a scene cause it was so powerful.
Ann Gillspie is set to return to 90210 for season two. That will bring the Taylors back together for at least a few episodes. Gillespie, of course, plays Jackie Taylor. I definitely think there is a lot more that you can do with the story of Kelly, Jackie, and Silver. They touched on it a little last season but there is much more that can be done.
Now, this is an interesting concept. Are you ever at the theatre and need to take a bathroom break or how about wanting to go get more food? You’re afraid to leave because you might miss something big happening in the movie. There is now a website that will help you with that planning on when is a good time to get up and leave. The site was created by Dan Florio who lives in Florida and he got the idea for the site after sitting through the over three hour long King Kong movie back a few years ago. He takes notes through the movies and plans the best time on when to get up and leave so you’ll miss as little happenings as possible. There is also an iPhone app for it as well which is available for $1. Very clever idea and I can definitely see this site getting a lot of visitors. If you want to check it out, head over to this link:
Carrie Underwood will be in Fort Campbell, KY next Friday night, August 14 performing at the Salute To The Troops concert at 6pm. Free concert there on base if you want to check it out. She will perform on that night along with Jake Owen and John Rich. Rodney Atkins will perform on Saturday night. Here is more info on the concert if you want it:
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 11. 90210 (New Series – Season One), Adam-12 (Season Three), The City (Season One), Designing Women (Season Two), Life With Derek (Season Two),
Twitter Update Of The Week: Eliza Dushku
@ElizaPatricia "Breakfast Club. 16 Candles. John Hughes made a few of my all time favorite films. Mourning him this afternoon. He 'got' adolescence, bless."
You Tube Video Of The Week: Zachary Levi, Adam Baldwin, and Joshua Gomez play Lego Rock Band at a booth at Comic-Con last week.
Wishing all of you a great weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Gloriana - Album Review - August 4, 2009
Some other links to check out for Gloriana.
My Space:
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Big Brother Over The Top - Week One Thoughts
I hope many of you have floated over to Big Brother Over The Top like I have. Tonight, we will be one week into this game and this new plat...
Comic-Con definitely felt like a victory parade for Chuck after the awesome fan campaign that saved the show. Chuck is one of my favorite s...
The Voice last week saw a MMC reunion that had fans all talking. MMC had such a talented cast that continues to go on to do great things. Wh...