Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Big Brother Over The Top - Week One Thoughts

I hope many of you have floated over to Big Brother Over The Top like I have.  Tonight, we will be one week into this game and this new platform of Big Brother with the online only version.  So, I just thought I would go over my week one thoughts. 

Overall, I am absolutely loving it and my lack of energy is a lot due to the live feeds.  I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this but I would argue there has been more game going on in the first week of OTT than the whole season of BB18.  The lack of game play in BB18 was frustrating at times obviously.  I know I'm not alone in saying that.  So, what about the actual feeds?  It has been pretty amazing to watch.  Keep in mind that we never get to see week one on the feeds in a regular summer season.  We always jump in after premiere night.  Everyone already knows everybody.  Alliances have been made.  Competitions won.  We're playing catch up.  With OTT, we have jumped in from the very beginning with the first houseguest walking into the house.  We watched Scott walk in there.  Search the house.  Wait for another houseguest to arrive.  They wait for another houseguest to arrive and so on.  We saw the first impressions of these houseguests to each other on the first night.  We saw the first HOH competition play out.  The nominations announcements.  The veto competition. The veto ceremony.  Seeing the cast photo shoot yesterday on the feeds.  I always wondered the timing of doing those cast photos.  Now, I know.  CBS promised 24/7 feeds and there has been a minimum of a few minutes down over the last week such as the feeds going down right before the veto competition which was likely for producers to instruct the house on the rules of the veto comp.  Last night, we got 2 hours of live diary room sessions which I found fascinating to watch.  The summer season feels so overscripted in the DR often and this was raw interviews.  Great stuff.  Only negatives I have seen so far is that they need to put up more archive stuff and ways for fans to catch up easier.  I love the recap shows but there is a gap in them over the weekend.  If you aren't able to watch the feeds or following people on Twitter to catch up on the major happenings, you'll be lost for a few days.  I'd like to see something fill that gap between the weekend.  Overall though, I am thrilled with how this looks!  Are there things that CBS is going to have to work out?  Of course.  That is true with anything but I'm thrilled with week one so far. 

Let's talk game.  We have the two sisters in the house of Alex and Morgan.  Both have been able to stay under the radar so far.  Jason has said something at one point looking at the memory wall commenting on how alike that they look but that has been in.  Justin has made a comparison note as well.  Other than that, they are right under the radar.  I was fascinated last night watching their DR's where they basically said that neither wanted to work with the other coming into the game and even now.  It is almost like they have been forced to work with one another which is hilarious.  I figured it would be a plan from the beginning.  So far, I'm Team Alex.  I like that she is playing the game and has a great read of the game along with the history of knowledge of it.  I'm just thrilled to have a house full of people ready to play the game and aren't holding back and I'm talking about the majority of this house. Jason was voted back into the house for another shot at this game.  His first week has been nothing short of a rollercoaster.  The first HOH comp was one that I really enjoyed cause it was all strategy.  You couldn't very well throw that competition.  It also saw Monte getting HOH and his HOH week sure has been something.  LOL.  I think he's outed his plans to just about everyone in that house and that was just on that first day of him lining up the one on one interviews.  Jason's game was looking to be a lot of what cost him BB17.  Sitting around in the backyard talking to one group and not moving around.  It has been frustrating to the point of many fans including his girl, Day, calling him out on Twitter for it.  LOL.  Jason's win of veto saved him from a first week eviction.  I was surprised that he won it honestly.  I say that because even the people playing were lined up against him.  Well, except for Danielle who has aligned with him.  They were helping one another. So, the veto gets played and Jason takes himself off the block.  The replacement nominee was Kryssie.  Not a surprise.  Kryssie's main problem seems to be that she just isn't enjoying this experience.  I think she'll openly admit that too.  She has seemingly been miserable in that house from the start of it and that is effecting her game.  It will also likely cost her her game too as even her own alliance of people around her have said they can't defend her anymore.  Let's also not forget that America got to vote the third nominee which was Cornbread.  I really thought he was going to be a fan favorite in the preseason but a lot of things he has said in the house has turned off fans and fellow houseguests.  America also gets a vote in tonight's eviction.  Yesterday, it really looked like Kryssie was gone but the target has moved over to Cornbread. 

Just some random thoughts on week one of Over The Top.  I absolutely love Over The Top!!!!  It's different and it is going to spoil us live feeders like crazy when we go back to blocked feeds next year with BB19.  LOL.  If you haven't checked out Over The Top, DO IT! Go to and you can get a free week of All Access to try it! 

That's it for today! Take care and God bless!  Have a great day!

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Big Brother Over The Top - Week One Thoughts

I hope many of you have floated over to Big Brother Over The Top like I have.  Tonight, we will be one week into this game and this new plat...