On to the last week in Big Brother Canada. Emmett won the HOH competition and that meant trouble for
Andrew once again. Pretty bad when
your supposed alliance keeps putting you on the block. Emmett this week and then Jillian last
week. Up on the block went Gary
and Andrew. Emmett has been
playing close to everyone so he would be good with whoever won veto for the
week . The veto competition was
held where it was a competition where it was how bad do you want it. What are you willing to give up to gain
points and get closer to the veto?
Gary was ready to give up everything and was fast. Emmett gained himself $1000 knowing he
didn’t need to win the veto.
LOL. Andrew took the
biggest point getter for agreeing to a haircut of Big Brother’s choosing. However, it wasn’t enough. Gary had way too many points and took
the veto. He had many
punishments. Andrew got his
haircut from Dan. Yep, Dan from
BBUSA was in the Big Brother house this week. He got things stirred up immediately including me as he
announced that he would get to vote to evict one person while he was
there. He was kidding but wow, did
it change the mood quick. Dan got
to spend the day in the house and got to talk to everyone. He gave them advice and had fun with
them as well including each of them having to complete a task. Dan’s advice was good and I was really
hoping that many would take the advice and shake the game up. One being shake up Emmett and
Jillian. Break that couple up. You have to break them up at this
point. They may have to break it
up themselves even and I think they see that as a possibility. So, Gary uses the veto on himself and
Talla is put on the block as the replacement. Talla’s behavior later on almost puts her in jeopardy of
being voted out. However, Andrew
goes home. His line was best when
he said what Dan had advised him on saying that his supposed alliance has put
him on the block two weeks in a row.
The HOH competition was taking place as Thursday’s show went off the
air. Another highlight of the week
was the latest Marcia the Moose task for Talla who had to host her own talk
show in the living room. She had to
respond to every houseguest at least once with “I did not know that”. This was funny especially with her
reaction of trying to figure out who in the world was talking to her in the
hallway. LOL. One week left of episodes in Big
Brother Canada.
Big Brother Line Of The Week: “Get ready for our first fail everyone” – Marcia the moose
as Talla walked out to try to accomplish her house task.
Score a huge win for The Big Bang Theory. A recent repeat episode topped American Idol in the ratings.
Xbox 360 recently released an app for The CW where you can check out CW programming on there. You will be able to stream full episodes 24 hours after they air and it will not require being a cable or satellite subscriber. Definitely another option at watching CW programming if you're interested.
Speaking of Xbox, the news this week is that they will announce the plans for the new Xbox on May 21st. There is going to be a lot of people focusing on that announcement to see what the plans are in the continuing gaming console battles.
Funny or Die has released a very funny video featuring screenwriter, Michael Arndt on his first day writing Star Wars Episode VII.
Writing Star Wars w/ Michael Arndt - watch more funny videos
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