Thursday, August 5, 2010

Big Brother 12 - HOH Endurance Challenge - Live Feed Update - August 5, 2010

As expected, Kristen was sent home with a 6-1 vote on tonight's eviction episode of Big Brother. Julie Chen talked of how this HOH competition tonight would make someone the most powerful HOH ever. The winner of the HOH will be tempted with Pandora's Box. Opening the box will unleash the saboteur. We learned that the voting was between Enzo and Ragan for the role of the new saboteur with Ragan getting the most votes. Julie also announced what has been talked about online and that is that Jeff will be returning to the Big Brother house for a visit but he won't be alone. Big Brother 11 winner, Jordan, will be in the house as well. The show ended with the HOH endurance competition underway. I am watching the live feeds and will be posting updates throughout the night.
SPOILER ALERT!! If you don't want to know what happens in the competition, stop reading now.
8:30pm central time: Live feeds are back on and Kathy and Enzo are already out. Kathy was the first one out which makes her the only have not this week. Brendon falls not long after and he is out of the competition. Looks like it could be trouble for him and Rachel this week.
8:40pm: Britney, Hayden, and Lane are all out. It's down to Matt and Ragan again. The game talk is going on between the two of them just like the last endurance challenge. And I mean exactly like last time.
8:53pm: Ragan tells everyone that he is done and tries to find the easiest way to fall off without hurting himself. Big Brother cuts the feeds like they have annoyingly through a lot of this competition. Feeds return and both are off. Ragan loses and Matt is the new HOH.
9:15pm: Matt, Enzo, and Hayden have already been talking in the storage room. Brendon apologizing to Rachel for not winning the HOH. She says that it wasn't his fault and that he did all he could. She also says that she now sees what is going on and that they are going to be "thrown under the everyone". Matt is talking about putting up Rachel and Brendon. It's Matt so who knows if that is true or if he'll change his mind again?

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