I’ve got a lot of Comic-Con stuff this week and lots of Joss Whedon goodness.
Comic-Con was last weekend and there was a lot of attention on it as always. It's incredible with just how big Comic-Con has gotten. I would love to be able to go to an event like this cause it seems like so much fun. Going to that would probably make my year every year. The people in attendance got plenty of scoop from their favorite shows. I was of course not there but with the power of You Tube and fans that are great in recording things at the show, I was able to check out the happenings including some people posting full versions of the panels. It’s the next best thing to being there. So, I thought I’d recap and go over some of the panels from some of my favorite shows that had a presence a Comic-Con that I’ve been able to watch online.
I’ll start with Smallville. This was a fun panel!! Thankfully, the full video of the Smallville panel is up online. On the panel was: Allison Mack (Chloe), Justin Hartley (Green Arrow), Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer), and Sam Witwer (Doomsday) along with the showrunners including Kelly Souders, Todd Slavkin, Darren Swimmer, and Kelly Souders. All the actors were asked what was going to be up with their characters this season. Allison said that Chloe would be struggling a lot this season with what happened to her in the finale. She is going to have a tough time juggling her relationship with Jimmy, helping Clark, and going after her own passions. Justin said that his character would struggle with why he’s doing what he’s doing and questioning his destiny while we’ll learn more about the origin of Green Arrow. Sam talked about Doomsday saying that the character is a paramedic and nice guy and begins to black out. He will then have to learn what is going on with him during these black out periods. Cassidy talked about Tess as the mystery character that we’ll learn more about as “she is the new girl at Luthor Corp”. Here are some various questions and answers. Allison talked about Clark and Chloe saying “behind every great man is a great woman”. Justin and the writers discussed the women in Justin’s life. They asked if any women in the audience would like to work with Justin. A ton of screams from the women while Justin points out his wife sitting over on the side with her arms crossed with a look of “what is the big deal?” ha ha. Allison says that Chloe will be stronger this season and learning more about her powers. The writers were asked about Michael Rosenbaum and they replied that he is one of the best actors on television and they were sad to see him go. They did say that the door is always open and we have not heard the last of Lex. Allison took a picture of a guy in a Green Arrow costume from the table saying that she wanted to take a picture to show their costume designer. They eventually brought him up to make sure everyone got a look at him. Fun moment. Justin had to check out the bow which he was very impressed with. Allison said “we’re talking” on the question about whether she would be able to direct an episode. The writers say that they want it to happen and she said that she’d be honored to be able to do it. There will be more of the Justice League this season. They said that the Justice League is coming to the surface and it will grow even more with Justin now being a permanent cast member this season. This season will have the Legion of Superheroes meeting Clark. The writers were asked if Smalliville would follow in the footsteps of Lost and plan an end date and if they knew how it would end? They said that they hoped it didn’t end anytime soon but that the fans will be very happy with the planned ending when it does happen. Allison was asked on if she preferred Clark or Jimmy for Chloe. She said that Chloe would be lucky to have either one of them. A fan yelled “she wants Clark” to which Allison laughed saying “I don’t know, Clark is really high maintenance” ha ha. The Q&A ended with a guy dressed as Batman asking when he’d be appearing on the show which got a big laugh from the audience and panel. This was really funny stuff. They did air a preview of season eight for the people in attendance.
Heroes had a big following at Comic-Con as the event was a huge part in launching the show a couple of years ago. Heroes had a HUGE buzz coming out of that first appearance. People were camping out over night at this year’s Comic-Con to get to attend the Heroes panel. The panel included the cast: Milo Ventimiglia (Peter), Greg Grunberg (Parkman), Hayden Panettiere (Claire), Masi Oka (Hiro), Jack Coleman (Noah), James Kyson Lee (Ando), Sendhil Ramamurthy (Suresh), Zachary Quinto (Sylar), Ali Larter (Niki), Adrian Pasdar (Nathan), and Cristine Rose (Angela). Tim Kring, creator of Heroes, showed up with a metal briefcase. Inside was revealed to be the first episode of season three. As was speculated and hoped for, the fans at Comic-Con got to see the season premiere. So jealous!! I have not read the recaps of the episode cause I obviously don’t want the spoilers but it was said to have been very well received. People are really raving about how good it was. The crowd that the Heroes panel drew was really amazing. If you want to see the full Heroes panel from Comic-Con, NBC.com has posted the video and here it is:
Joss Whedon was a busy man at Comic-Con taking part in different panels with one being Dr. Horrible. Some spoilers in this so beware of reading this if you haven’t seen it. Joss got a big ovation as he walked out on to the stage. Joss talked about coming to Comic-Con last year talking about all the things that he was wanting to do joking that he hadn’t done anything that he talked about. Ha ha. Joss Whedon, Jed and Zach Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen, Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day, Simon Helberg, and Nathan Fillion all took part in the Dr. Horrible panel. Neil walked out with the freeze ray in hand getting a big ovation from the crowd. Funny moment to start with as Nathan kept trying to pull Neil’s chair out for him. After persuasion, Neil went to sit down and Nathan pulled it completely out from under him. Joss was asked “you’re well known for telling emotionally well driven stories at the expense of your character’s happiness and mine”. Joss looks down at Felicia who is awaiting his response which was hilarious. He is asked on whether he ever thinks, forget it, “here is a happy ending”. Joss pointed out that Felicia emailed him saying that it was the perfect ending. Joss says that he does have happy endings in his work and was sure he could be reminded of them later by the fans. Neil joked about trying to learn his lyrics in a really fast motion for six hours on his iPod. Felicia then got busted twittering as she had forgotten the question that was asked. Funny moment with Whedon taking a picture of the cast from behind as they spoke to the crowd. Nathan and Neil then turned to pose for the camera as the Q&A continued which was hilarious. Joss was asked about his luck with his shows being cancelled by networks and how Dr. Horrible was a different form of media from him. Joss had this comment: “Besides the fact that we all had an enormous amount of fun, this was really designed to be a model for a new way to put out media, a new form of artistic community that involves all of you guys, all of us, and maybe not so much other people. I am an advocate of evolution over revolution. I am not trying to bring down the studios. I do still work there as do we all pretty much. I’m grateful for it and I love Dollhouse and what we’re doing but things are changing. It’s really important that we make sure that as they change that they change for the better. Dr. Horrible was a little bit about that, about putting power in different hands, the wrong hands.” Loved that comment. They did announce that a DVD will be on the way. There will be musical commentary on the DVD which sounds like a lot of fun along with a fan contest which will be included as an extra as well. Also announced was a music soundtrack that will be available for download in a few weeks. Good timing for them to be at Comic-Con based off of the success of Dr. Horrible online.
Joss Whedon’s new show, Dollhouse, was also represented at Comic-Con. On the Dollhouse panel was Joss Whedon, Eliza Dushku, and Tahmoh Penikett. Whedon was asked where he got the concept for the show and he said that he got the idea from meeting with Eliza. He knew how talented that she was and knew he’d have to come up with something for her. This meeting of theirs has been talked about for a while and its still a fun story. Joss was asked if there was someone that he wanted to bring in? He pointed out Tahmoh saying he wanted him immediately on the cast knowing that he’d be perfect for the role. Tahmoh’s manager called Tahmoh up and said that Joss was a fan of his. He told him that Joss wanted to talk to him and Tahmoh was sold on the idea of the show immediately. One fan mentions that there are websites dedicated already to saving the show. Awesome!! Ha ha. Joss says that the enthusiasm behind the show is great and feels it is earned. They were asked about their favorite Buffy moments. Eliza mentions when she was in a bar dancing and killing. Joss said that he loved the speech from Eliza as Faith when she was telling Angel, “kill me, I’m bad”. Joss said that he cried the whole time that they were editing it. Eliza then laughed saying “you’re so full of it”. Eliza was asked about what made her want to do Dollhouse and she goes back to the lunch meeting with Joss. She talked about things on TV that she liked, wanted to see, and not wanted to see knowing that Joss was the one to write the next project for her. She said that Joss rocks and there was no question that he understood what kind of TV project that she was wanting. After talking for a while, she said that Joss got up and went to the bathroom and came back and it was Dollhouse. Joss was asked to sell the show to people that may not know anything about it and what makes this show special. Joss replied: “No vampires, no space ships, no super heroes. This is people. Everything I do is just people and that is the only thing I want to tell stories about. Echo has this sort of removable personality. She’s different people all the time. She’s trying to figure out who she is in between times. Every time she runs into Tahmoh’s character Paul, she’s a different person. Their relationship in turn is going to be a little twisted. Believe me when I say every relationship on the show is going to be absurdly twisted. The question of identity is going to be so central and strange. I’m going to twist it in ways that I never have before and believe me when I say that it’s going to be very exciting. “ Joss got in a nice reference on Firefly saying that he had worked with executives that didn’t know what they want and don’t know what they don’t want saying that they take shows and put it up against baseball and air it out of order. He was asked about former Whedonverse cast members being on Dollhouse and Joss says that we will see Amy Acker (already had heard that but YES!!!). He does want to shy away from that but said that he’d like to have some previous cast members of his on from time to time. Eliza then said that she’d love to see Nathan Fillion on the show. Simple question up next from someone who is a Firefly fan. “Who dies first?” Big laughs from the crowd and Joss replies “you”. He said that no deaths are planned. The show is just coming together right now. Tahmoh tells a funny story about acting in his first scene and being distracted by how gorgeous that Eliza was. His first line is “how did you hear about the dollhouse?” He said his line as “how did you hear about the wallhouse?” Joss was saying “wow” in the back saying that he messed up the name of the show in the first line. Joss was asked if he had other projects in his mind that he would like to do. He replied that it is a dark place in his head and he has a lot of ideas and wants to create them all. I knew he would get asked this question as Joss was asked about having to reshoot the pilot. He said he knew that the news scared a lot of people. He pointed out that it was not the same thing as The Train Job with Firefly. The first episode of Dollhouse had everyone already knowing each other and going with the story. Now, he’s done a prequel of sorts where he gets the story to the first episode. He said that the two episodes should flow together nicely and will air right after it and not air last (referencing Firefly). Joss said that he went in and did some things that weren’t right for the network and he changed some things. He went on to say that he has to know his audience which is the network, is not going to change anything about the premise, cast, or heart of the show and wasn’t asked to do it. The obvious Buffy movie question is brought up. Joss said that he has gotten his Buffy fix through the comic saying that it isn’t fair to everyone else not getting to take part in the continuation of the show but everyone else is working and busy so that is a good thing for everyone. He will never rule it out though. He was asked about Dollhouse being a comic and said that he doesn’t see Dollhouse being a comic cause he likes seeing how Eliza is able to turn into these characters. He didn’t think it would come across as well drawn. The show is contracted for 13 episodes. Needless to say that I’m excited to check out this show. Hey, it’s a Joss Whedon show so you know I’m in.
On the Comic-Con panel for CBS’s The Big Bang Theory was Chuck Lorre (creator), Bill Prady (co-creator), and the cast consisting of Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Johnny Galecki (Leonard), Jim Parsons (Sheldon), Simon Helberg (Howard), and Kunal Nayyar (Raj). It was announced that Sara Gilbert will be back for a few episodes in season two. Prady talked about how the characters are based off of people that he worked with when he was a computer programmer. The cast said that they do hang out off set a lot. They were asked if they get asked to solve problems out on the street? Jim responded saying that no one is that foolish. One question was whether they had learned anything from the show? Jim said that he had learned to pronounce a lot of words that he’s never heard of before. He also said that he learned that a glass of ice water does not begin to go up in temperature until the last bit of ice has dissolved. No one believes him but he read it in the Smithsonian Physics 101 book. The cast was asked what was the nerdiest thing was about them? Simon responded saying “just look at me” but also pointing out that he once had a ducktail. Kunal revealed that he once played badminton in India at the state level saying that it is a very cool sport there but not so much here. Kaley said that she is pretty much a nerd all the time and is always goofing around. She told of how she is awesome at ping pong and gets really into it. She advanced in the first round of a ping pong tournament against Kunal. She said that she wore an outfit with tube socks and Kunal said that was why they lost to her. Jim said that he really enjoys talk radio instead of music but wasn’t sure if it is nerdy or just bizarre. He said that the timber of his voice is a bit geeky but “it got him this job”. Johnny answered saying that he grew up doing theatre which might be cool on the coast but not so much in Chicago. He was also into collectibles and Star Wars action figures, and then GI Joes. He liked anything that he could create stories with. There was then a random deal where the panel and the audience would raise their hands to questions revolving around how nerdy you are. They were asked if they get questioned on their scientific facts at all on the show. It was pointed out that they had a consultant which is a UCLA professor of astro physics who answers the complaints cause he makes sure they get the science stuff right. Kaley talked about her character of Penny saying “What I love about Penny is that she is so genuinely sweet. She loves these guys tremendously. She doesn’t get him (Sheldon) and he doesn’t get her. They keep going back and forth. She has a genuine love for them and kind of wants to help them out in her own way and they want to help her, kind of help bring Leonard out of his shell and all these different things. She definitely knows the effect that she has on them. Even with Kunal’s character kind of messing with him knowing that he isn’t going to talk to her but still tries every time”. Simon was asked if Howard is that ignorant on his effect on women? Simon replied saying “this is news to me”. He pointed out that Howard just doesn’t know the word no and ignorance is bliss and living the life. He thinks that Howard talking to a girl is scoring in a way for him and trying to talk to as many girls as he can. The cast was then asked about what their character would want? Some good answers. Kunal said that he would like for Raj to talk to women without being a “junkie”. Simon points out that it is pretty clear on what Howard wants so bad. Johnny said that he was happy on where Sheldon was at right now. He said that he likes this role cause he is usually cast as “the romantic lead’s assistant or annoying friend”.
I would obviously cover the Lost panel but I am not about to read that stuff and get spoilers. I’m just past halfway through season two by the way. Really enjoying it so far. I plan on being caught up in time for the season premiere.
Kristin from E Online posted the video preview of season two of Chuck that was shown at Comic-Con. I have seen the video and it looks great. It looks like season two is going to be a lot of fun. It’s a shame that more videos have not popped up from that panel cause they are a very fun cast. Here is a sneak preview of season two of Chuck.
Dr. Horrible is ranked at number one on iTunes. The original release of the project had the official Dr. Horrible site getting reportedly 200,000 hits per hour, 1,000 hits per second, which crashed the site on its first day of release. If you want to watch Dr. Horrible and missed it when it was streaming on their site, you’re in luck. Hulu is now offering all three acts of Dr. Horrible online for free of course. Here is the link to it.
Big Brother had a week that involved arguments, earthquakes, and one houseguest that was seemingly safe doing all he could to get evicted. Strange week in the house for sure. Here are the happenings in the house. It should be pointed out that I’ve seen a lot of fans upset over the editing of this week’s episodes but I can’t really comment on that as I haven’t followed the feeds really closely over the last week. Keesha won HOH last week. Keesha’s plan for her HOH was to get revenge for Steven. Her target was Angie. She tells Memphis that she is planning on putting Angie up but Memphis helps Angie out saying that there was no way that Angie was coming after her. Angie tried to get into the HOH to talk to Keesha but was denied. Jessie, Michelle, and Memphis all tried to come up with plans knowing that the target was on Angie. Keesha ends up putting Angie and Jessie on the block for eviction. In her speech, she says Angie went up because of her turning her back on Steven while Jessie went up cause he was responsible for getting Steven out last week. The veto competition is held where the competitors have to lay like flowers and have to stay there until they think an hour has passed but can’t go over an hour. Basically, they have to guess how long they’ve been laying there. Keesha finally had all she could take of it as part of the competition was water being constantly poured like a stream on your head and worms being dumped in with you. Keesha wins the veto. How did that happen? Well, she bailed out at 21 minutes but the problem was that everyone else went over an hour by around 15 minutes at least. So, she wins by default. Wheels start turning about getting out Libra. Jessie was working Keesha big time, too big. He was in and out of that HOH room like crazy and driving her to that point. He asked her how much she trusted her alliance who haven’t been loyal to her. Keesha said that she gave her word to Libra on day four that she’d have her back to the end no matter what. She told Jessie that she didn’t care what Libra was doing and that she was keeping her word. Keesha finally gets tired of all the talk and goes to the whole house saying how she made a promise to Libra. Things then get stirred up even more when a banner flies near the Big Brother house. Julie Chen later said the banner wasn’t Big Brother related which I believe cause it is VERY hard to fly anything near that house anymore cause of past banner situations. It is a no fly zone now. However, Memphis, Michelle, Jessie, and Angie saw their opportunity. Big Brother always tells the houseguests to go inside when a banner is seen so they decided to make up something on what they saw on the banner. They talked about the banner saying that Libra was lying and took the info to the HOH room. Things got heated after that when Jerry and Memphis went at it. Memphis went off about comments that Jerry made about him earlier and then saying it to his face in the HOH. The veto is not used and Jessie and Angie remain on the block. The argument between Michelle and Jerry is shown which I’m pretty sure was aired out of the time line of the events in the house. Jerry told Angie that she could still be safe and Angie told that information to her alliance. Michelle calls him out on it saying that he is playing both sides. Jerry screams at her some more. Jessie then does his best to try and test his boundaries on how safe he was this week. He proceeds to annoy everyone, wave bye bye in a mocking way to Libra through the window to the back yard, calls Jerry “father time”, and more. The talk turns to maybe switching things up and voting out Jessie but it doesn’t happen. I tend to think it wasn’t a really serious thought cause I’ve been seeing on the feeds that Angie was the target all along. Tonight’s live eviction episode had Angie being voted out on a 8-0 vote. The HOH competition was the first endurance HOH of the season and the competition was underway as the show went off the air.
Other notes from the Big Brother week. Big Brother did air the footage of the earthquake that hit California this week and shook the Big Brother house. I actually found out about the earthquake through Big Brother as I was checking the feed news when it had just happened. The houseguests all went into the backyard. Funny comment from Jerry when he said that he thought someone had run into the building with a vehicle and that was the shaking. The America’s Player gimmick is back. Fans were able to vote on who they would want to be America’s Player for only one week with them doing the wants of America for the week including who to target for nomination, voting for who goes home, and more. The houseguest with the highest votes would be given the option on whether he wanted to do it or not and keep in mind that you get $20,000 if you complete all the tasks. Dan was the one voted into it and did accept it saying that if America wanted him to do it, he’d do it. How funny was the food competition? April and Ollie being compared to The Honeymooners by Dan was hilarious. She was yelling at him the whole time and speaking of yelling at, Renny was all over the place yelling suggestions not being able to stick with one sock. It was cracking me up cause both teams were going nuts blaming the other.
What You Missed On The Live Feeds: On Saturday, you saw a lot that aired of Jessie roaming back and forth to plea his case in the HOH room. Jerry also told Angie that she might have the votes to stay. Jerry and Michelle had an argument over things that had been said and figuring out what part of that was lies. The argument ended with the two fuming and going their separate ways. Part of it was seen on TV. The Memphis/Jerry argument was not seen on the feeds due to the feeds being off as the banner plane flew over before this all happened. So, they went to FOTH during it. The earthquake in California was seen on the feeds. There were feeds on inside the house and outside when the quake happened. Everyone jumped up immediately realizing what was going on. The feeds went to FOTH during the quake and you could actually see the fish tank shaking. It is pretty clear that they are getting serious about getting the live feed subscriber rate up. Recently, Jokers was forced to pull their media clips for the first time that I can remember.
What Has Happened Since The Live Show: SPOILER ALERT!!! Here are the results of tonight’s HOH competition that was still ongoing as the show went off the air. Jerry was the first to be eliminated followed by Libra, Dan, Ollie, Jessie (who appears to have been disqualified), and Memphis. That left the final three between Michelle, Renny, and April. Renny was then disqualified for apparently turning around to face the wall. That left April against Michelle. Deals were trying to be made between the two of them but no one would drop. Michelle asked for her and Jessie to be kept safe this week to which April agreed. Michelle ends up dropping and April wins HOH after the competition approaches near the three hour mark.
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. The Dark Knight - $75.1 million. 2. Step Brothers - $30.9 million. 3. Mamma Mia - $17.7 million. 4. The X Files - $10 million. 5. Journey To The Center Of The Earth - $9.7 million. 6. Hancock - $8.3 million. 7. WALL-E - $6.4 million. 8. Hellboy II - $5.1 million. 9. Space Chimps - $4.5 million. 10. Wanted - $2.7 million.
If you’re an Angel fan and aren’t reading After The Fall, you’re really missing out. After The Fall is the new comic series that is the sixth season of the show written by the same team behind the show. I’ve been reading the Buffy season eight comics as well but I think the Angel comics are stronger than the Buffy ones. Consider this a review of issues one through nine. I’m going to go into spoilers about what is happening in the Angel world in the comic series so if you are wanting to read the comics, you will want to skip this. You will remember that the show ended on the cliffhanger of the gang getting ready for the big fight. The comic picks up where that left off. We’ve gotten the current story while also having a VERY nice flashback of three issues telling how we got to the current day. So, what is happening? All right. The gang was separated after the big fight as things got very ugly in LA or…well, not LA. As you could see, Los Angeles was about to be turned into the big bad but it turns out that Los Angeles got sent there instead. Well, Angel is no longer a vampire. He is human but is obviously not telling people this. Wesley is back but not like we know him. Wesley was threatened by Wolfram & Hart with him being teased of being happily ever after with Fred. He was reminded of his contract with them and that the contract lasts forever. They force him back into the fight even though he is dead saying that it is the only chance that he’d have, even a slim chance, of seeing Fred again. Wesley is back but is a ghost alongside Angel as he has been told to keep an eye on him for Wolfram & Hart. Spike survived and felt invincible after surviving two big bads. He boasted on retiring but ended up helping the humans that have been caught in the middle of this. Spike has also been sticking with Illyria. We get the reveal that she is out of control and Spike has to try to reel her in. Spike has also been hanging out with a group of women with the main one being named Spider. Angel ends up killing the son of a Lord so the father is ready for some major payback on Angel. Angel ends up standing up and challenging all the Lords. A battle that is obviously impossible to win especially considering that Angel is human. Connor is back and he and Angel meet up. Connor now has all of his memories back. Kate is back and helped save Connor when the demons around him found out that he was Angel’s son. What about Gunn? Well, Gunn is a bit different now. He’s a vampire. The final battle had Angel checking on Gunn but then Angel went to deal with the dragon. Gunn said that Angel never came back for him. Gunn was pulled away by a group of vampires who saw that he wasn’t going to make it and wasn’t going to be saved. To save him, they bit him turning him into a vampire. Gunn and his new crew are fighting a similar fight as Angel but Gunn is laying back to not be noticed. Did I mention that Gunn is also not happy about being left? Gunn has killed a Lord and also has a telepathic fish in his possession. Lorne retreated away after he killed Lindsey but found himself missing his friends. The big bad happened and he used his abilities to help make one peaceful place in the area. Lorne is also keeping an eye out on his friends to make sure what is going on with them. Angel and Wesley show up and Lorne knows about the impossible challenge that Angel has made. As Angel goes on to the big fight, the gang shows up including Gwen who has her lightning powers back. Lorne got the gang all back together to help out Angel. As the battle continues, Wesley is shown to Illyria. Suddenly, Fred returns. The sight of Wesley brings her back right in the middle of the battle. Spike is immediately mad knowing that this isn’t going to be good. He says that if he had known that Wesley was back that he wouldn’t have brought Illyria. Illyria has been weakened from Fred’s human feelings and is starting to win the battle to return. Spike talks of how the two change places all the time and seeing Wesley brings her back. They brought back my girl!! Ha ha. Fred is fighting to come back!! I was so disappointed when they killed her off on the show. Angel wins the battle with the main Lord after using something that he found at Wolfram & Hart. Gunn and his crew observe the battle but don’t get involved. The fight with Angel and all the Lords was supposed to be one on one and when it turned out not being, the command was made to kill the humans. Angel and gang are officially back in business looking to help out. The end of issue nine sees Wesley revealing to Fred/Illyria his body that he used as a bargaining type of deal with Wolfram & Hart. She sees this and Illyria is mostly brought back out as Fred sees what has happened. Illyria does point out that it is true that Fred is still very much in her and fighting to get out. Illyria says that she’s having a hard keeping her pushed down. Wesley points out that having the gang around makes Illyria weak and makes Fred come back so he says that maybe they shouldn’t be around. However, she isn’t having any of it saying that she isn’t about to lose him again. We’re still waiting to find out just what all Wolfram & Hart have planned with Wesley being involved as he is a very critical part of their plans. Wow, these comics are good!! I can’t wait to read more.
I am a huge fan of the Summer Olympics so I’m very excited about the kickoff of the Beijing Olympics next week. There will be a ton of coverage all over the NBC networks and online.
Bobby’s wedding is about to take place on My Boys. The season finale is next week and we have all kinds of drama taking place at the wedding. Bobby and his brother aren’t getting along and Jack was leaving the wedding. P.J. has been helping with the wedding details for Bobby even as uncomfortable as it is. She has been sort of seeing Jack but they have kept it a secret from Bobby so far. To close out tonight’s episode, was that Kenny and Stephanie making out in the background??!! Should be a fun finale on Thursday night. Tune in at the special time of 9pm central time on TBS on Thursday, August 7th.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, August 5th. Ben 10 (Season Four), Code Monkeys (Season One), Family Ties (Season Four), Get Smart (Season One), Hotel Babylon (Season Two), Robin Hood (Season One & Two), Route 66 (Season One).
You Tube Video Of The Week: Batman meets Smallville at Comic-Con.
Whew. Lots of stuff going on from Comic-Con. Exciting stuff. Wishing all of you a great weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
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