Tonight's Survivor had a STUNNER of a finish. My face looked like Eliza's face as the votes were being read out. The immunity challenge had a test of who could hold their arm up the longest and also battle the tub of water over their heads. Funniest moment was James laughing at the troubles of the others only to have the same thing to happen to him. His reaction cracked me up!! The big turning point of the challenge had Ozzy bailing out for the offer of food from Jeff Probst. It came down to Jason and Parvati. Jeff offered a huge supply of food that everyone would get to share if someone dropped out at that moment. Everyone told Jason that he would be guaranteed safety if he bailed out. However, most of them had their fingers crossed when they said it. Jason bails out and Parvati wins immunity. So, Jason got voted out, right? WRONG. Out of nowhere, a revolution happened to get Ozzy voted out. The votes looked to be very anticlimactic when the Jason votes kept showing up but suddenly a second Ozzy vote showed up. My thought was who was the second vote? That kept going as my question when all the votes were coming out was just who made the votes to pull this off? Ozzy was voted out. The votes to get rid of Ozzy were Parvati, Natalie, Jason, Alexis, and Cirie. WOW. That was a power play right there folks. The front runner to win and the one with the hidden immunity idol is now gone. That game is wide open now and feels like a completely new game. Like I said, Eliza sitting in the jury had the best expressions of holy cow while the others looked at each other to try and figure out what had happened. I thought something was odd when Cirie made that grin when the idol wasn't played. What an episode!!
The title of tonight's episode of Smallville was Descent and was that ever a fitting title. This episode was all about Lex and the defining moment of him going to the dark side for good. I knew that someone was getting killed off tonight and my speculation was right on who it would be. I was shocked though when it happened in the first five minutes. My thinking was, well, they're not wasting anytime here building to it. Lex confronted Lionel wanting the key to unlock the secret. Their conversation turned into Lionel's demise as Lex got the locket from Lionel and proceeded to shove him out of the window. I thought the next scenes that followed were very good cause you saw the incredible reaction of the public to what had happened to someone as powerful as Lionel Luthor. So, Lex now has the key. Not so fast. He got the locket which had no key in it. Where is the key? Chloe found it in her office and he left it with her after he had pleaded with her to listen to him. Chloe however ends up not keeping it long when Lex showed up. She was fired and lost all of her personal items and the key was taken. The death of Lionel was covered up as a suicide however Jimmy and Lois had photographic evidence that someone was with him at the time. That leaves it up to my favorite computer whiz, Chloe, to do some work to the photo and figure out that Lex was the guilty party. Lex's evil sidekick does her best to eliminate the photo and ends up finding out Clark's secret. You know what that means in the story? She must be eliminated. LOL. Who was the guy that ended up taking her out anyway? Was he associated with Swann somehow? Clark and Lex had their faceoff talking about both of their fathers that they had lost. Some really good stuff tonight with the return of Lex battling his good side as the little boy in him tried to continue to keep Lex from going completely evil. Well, there is no doubt with how that ended up that the good is no longer there and things are going to be very dark for Lex from here on out. The scene at the end was very good with Lex and Clark being the only ones at Lionel's funeral. Just an incredible episode tonight and they set up all sorts of things for the rest of the season.
The endurance challenge was underway as last week's live Big Brother show went off the air. Whoever could hang the longest inside the glass box would win HOH. Sharon had to drop out early cause of injuring her back the night before. This left it to Natalie, Ryan, and Sheila. When Sharon and Adam went inside, a deal was made between the final three to put up the two in the house for eviction. Ryan dropped out. However, Natalie wouldn't drop. With the deal made, she still found herself unable to give up HOH. That couldn't have anything to do with her last endurance HOH deal, could it? The whole house kept trying to get her to drop so Sheila could win and finally Natalie did give up. Sheila wins HOH but Natalie put an even bigger target on herself. The plan was made to target Natalie for eviction this week. She wouldn't be put up originally though. Sheila made her nominations which were Adam and Sharon. Kind of funny how Adam got so mad at Sheila for putting him on the block when he did the same thing to her last week. The veto competition took place at night and it went according to plan for how the house was looking to vote. The winner of the veto went to Adam. Adam takes himself off the block and Sheila puts Natalie up as the replacement nominee. Natalie was assured that she was safe including being told by Sheila. Sheila said that she felt bad for lying straight to Natalie's face but that Natalie had done the same to her. Natalie's playing both sides of the house had caught up to her. The guys end up calling a house meeting to call out Natalie on stuff that she had been saying. They asked her who she had an alliance with whether it was them or the girls. Natalie looked like a deer in headlights trying to decide how to handle it. She said her alliance was with the guys. The voting took place and the guys decided to split the vote and let Sheila be the one to evict her. Before the vote, the houseguests were allowed to plea for votes one last time and Natalie again said that she was sticking with the boys. Not a good idea when Sheila is the one that is the tie breaker. Sheila breaks the tie and evicts Natalie. I knew it was only a matter of time before playing both sides badly would catch up to her. The HOH competition takes place which has Julie Chen asking the houseguests questions on whether the statement is fact or fiction. It is won by Ryan. I have to vent about the HOH competition. Sharon is up by one point going into the last question. The question is if there are any more existing relationships in the house. All of them guess fiction. Julie takes FOREVER to reveal the answer. She reveals that it is fact. My first thought was that she messed it up. Then, they flash on the screen "the guinea pigs". The guinea pigs??!!! Are you kidding me??!! That sends us to a tiebreaker. Ryan wins the question and HOH. Wow, did I ever feel that Sharon got ripped off. What a joke that question was!! Other happenings on Big Brother this week. We got to see James arrive at the sequester house. After they watched the DVD of the happenings in the house, James revealed that it was Chelsia's loud exit that put the target on him by the whole house. She left the room crying at hearing the news. Sheila got a surprise birthday celebration in the house this week. The houseguests not being able to sing "Happy Birthday" was odd as they sang "for she's a jolly good fellow" instead. I think I read somewhere that Adam said on the feeds that they weren't allowed to sing it by the show. Maybe I'm wrong but that was what I read. Are there copyrights on "Happy Birthday" cause I guess everyone is breaking that copyrighted song. LOL.
American Idol had Mariah Carey as the featured singer this week. The contestants sang her songs and she helped them with preparing to do the songs. Last night's results show was the annual "let's split the group in two and make the last one pick which one they think is safe" show. One group had Syesha Mercado, Kristy Lee Cook, and Brooke White. The other had Jason Castro, Carly Smithson, and David Cook. Playing the role of Bo Bice this year was David Archuleta. I'm pretty sure that Bo was the first one to actually not pick a group and sit down in the middle of the stage back in season four. David was declared safe and was then told to go to which group that he thought was the safe group. He sat down on the stage as everyone has been doing for the last several years. Seriously Idol, time to get a new gimmick. Everyone has figured out the let's sit down and not pick a group deal. I knew the second that they started putting the contestants on each side of the stage that this was what they were doing. Syesha was sent back to safety leaving a bottom two of Brooke and Kristy. Going home this week was Kristy Lee Cook. Bummer as she was one of my favorites this season. She had really stepped up her game lately as well!!
It appears that Rob Thomas may not be the one in charge of the new Beverly Hills 90210 spinoff after all. Kristin over at E Online is saying that Thomas is wanting to concentrate on his two other shows for ABC and just doesn't have the time to take on this project. However, he may still be a consultant for the spinoff.
Speaking of 90210, there was some Jennie Garth news this week that has gotten the 90210 talk stirred up. Jennie Garth was said to be taking part in a CBS pilot but news came out this week that she won't be in it after all. The speculation has run wild ever since that she will be returning to 90210. Will she? Who knows? It's all speculation.
This news was great to read today about Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse. Remember a few weeks ago when I said that I wanted Amy Acker back on my TV screen when talk of Whedonverse alums kept coming up for the new show? Well, Joss made this post today on "November (who will be recurring but does not appear in the pilot) will be played by the luminous Miracle Laurie. And Dr. Claire Saunders will be played by... yet another name I'm gonna have trouble remembering how to spell... Amy Acker." Thrilled with this news!!!
Movie box office numbers for last weekend. 1. Prom Date -$22.7 million. 2. Street Kings - $12 million. 3. 21 - $11 million. 4. Nim's Island - $9 million. 5. Leatherheads - $6.2 million. 6. Horton Hears A Who - $6 million. 7. Smart People - $4.2 million. 8. The Ruins - $3.3 million. 9. Superhero Movie - $3.1 million. 10. Drillbit Taylor - $2.1 million.
How I Met Your Mother fans. Don't forget that the Robin Sparkles story returns on this Monday's episode. Want a tease of the music video? Here you go. It's definitely spoofing several 80's music videos. Best line was from TV Guide commenting when they linked to this video saying "warning: the song is made of crack cocaine, and will be stuck in your head all day."
As I'm typing this up, Duffy's song Mercy is now playing on the radio. Yeah, this is a very catchy and addicting song. Ah, next song that is playing is Coldplay's "Speed Of Sound". LOVE that song!!
If you have been wanting to see Juno, Fox has given you another viewing option. The movie was released on DVD on Tuesday and has also been released to buy via download on iTunes. I'm hoping to rent some movies maybe this weekend and Juno is going to be one of them. Just have to see what the hype is all about.
Universal announced today that they will be releasing seasons one and two of Heroes on Blu-Ray DVD on August 26th.
I'm a big NBA fan so I'm looking forward to the start of the NBA Playoffs this weekend. Here is the first round match ups. In the east: #1 Boston vs. #8 Atlanta, #2 Detroit vs. #7 Philadelphia, #3 Orlando vs. #6 Toronto, #4 Cleveland vs. #5 Washington. In the west: #1 LA Lakers vs. #8 Denver, #2 New Orleans vs. #7 Dallas, #3 San Antonio vs. #6 Phoenix, #4 Utah vs. #5 Houston. Those first round match ups in the west are looking really strong. I really don't know what to call for winners with some of them. That race in the west has been so tight all the way from 1st to 8th so you can't really go by seeding in these western conference playoffs. Dallas is going to have yet another tough first round match up just like last year. Phoenix and San Antonio is going to be exciting to watch to see how the new look Suns do. The only safe pick that I feel that I have is picking the Lakers over Denver. The rest is going to be wild. In the east, Cleveland and Washington will be fun especially with how those teams seem to do a lot of talking about each other. Definite rivalry there. I'll be stunned if Boston doesn't come out of the east to move on to the NBA Finals. I'm not even going to try and pick a Finals team out of the west. The 2008 NBA Playoffs start on Saturday.
TV on DVD releases for Tuesday, April 22nd. Big Ideas For A Small Planet (Season One), Friday Night Lights (Season Two), House Of Venus (Season Two), Laverne and Shirley (Season Four).
Have a great weekend!! Take care and God bless!!
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